Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey Guys

Sorry i havent been updating in a while.Iv been mad busy.But i also have bad news.Due to unforseen circumstances i will be no longer be posting articles on this site.

Now the good news.I will be posting articles directly to you instead.Yes thats right.On the left of this page you will see a box where it says sign up for muscle building and fatloss reports.

When you put your first name and email address and click the box where it says subscribe,i will send you an email back confirming you subscribed and then the rewards will start.

What rewards.Well apart from sending you WEEKLY fatloss,nutrition,supplements and muscle building articles and advice,i will be also sending FREE workout plans,FREE meal plans,FREE home workout plans,FREE guides to six pack abs.And alot more.There are too many bonuses to list honestly.

So go put your name and email in the box on the left and click the subscription box.All the information is free and you wont pay for anything.So SIGN UP FOR FREE and i look forward to working with you.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weight Lifting Rules For Skinny Gus

Weight Lifting Rules For Skinny Runts
By Vince DelMonte

You wake up in the morning and look in the mirror. Pleased with your appearance? If you more resemble the appearance of a long distance marathon runner than a world class sprinter, don’t worry, you aren't alone. You just need to start following these weight lifting rules.

There are quite a few guys who simply have trouble packing on the lean muscle mass. Whether their hormonal environment isn't quite as favourable or genetics was just out to get them at birth, one thing is for sure and that's that they need to follow a slightly different set of weight lifting methods than those who seem to grow muscle overnight.

Luckily for you, you're taking the time to do your research about weight lifting so you won't be destined to a life where it seems like a strong wind might knock you over.

First, one of the key factors that skinny guys need to remember is that they must avoid volume work at all costs. Rule #1: Get in the gym and get out! That should be your motto from this day forward. Repeat it. Breathe it. Live it. Weight lifting is a calorie expensive activity and you need all the calories you can get at this point. If you are burning it up in the gym every single day, how do you expect to grow? You won't.

You grow when you are resting and generally, the skinnier you are, the more rest you are going to need.

Now, that doesn't mean you should park it on the couch for a few days in between your workouts. It simply means that each weight lifting should not consist of set after set after set. Followed by a rest break to talk to that hot receptionist and then back to another twenty sets.
No, you're workouts need to consist of ten-twelve or fewer sets where you are pushing yourself to the MAX. There is no room for sissy, light-weight work in your weight lifting program.Which brings us to Rule

#2: Ditch the isolated exercises. Who needs them? You certainly don't.
If your workouts normally include bicep curls, followed by tricep kickbacks, followed by leg extensions, followed by chest flys, followed by… you get the picture, you've got to change this pronto. Remember, you've only got so much time you are allowed to be in the gym for. Don't you want to get the biggest bang for your buck? Likely you do, so that means focusing on compound lifts only. This includes weight lifting exercises such as squats, bench presses, deadlifts, rows and military presses.

Become friends with those exercises and you will have new muscles in the picture soon enough. Toss the five day split program, get yourself on a good upper/lower or full body workout program and you have found the key to unleashing new muscle mass.
Now onto the next significant point. Cardio.
Rule #

3. I know, I know, you want to be big, but you don’t want to be fat. Let's not worry about that at this point, because you and I both know you are a long ways from fat.
Gaining fat weight is going to be more a concept of diet than anything else so as long as you are being smart in the kitchen, you don't need to perform hours of cardio to remain lean.

Cardio is just going to further burn off precious calories that could have gone towards building you new muscle mass. For you, calories are a hot commodity and should not be spent on the treadmill.
If you want to keep up some cardio for general health sake, fine, but limit this to two or three twenty minute sessions per week - TOPS. And make it low to moderate intensity as well. The only place you are to be intense is in the weight room.
This leads to rule

#4. REST! You've put in your effort at the gym, fed your body with some good food and now what? Plans to go out partying all night with your buddies? You might want to rethink that. While you definitely want to maintain your social life while trying to gain weight - and you should - it should not come at the sacrifice of sleep.

Sleep is primetime when it comes to your body repairing itself and growing stronger so short-circuit sleep and you are short-circuiting your results. Just don't do it. Period. It's that simple.
Get ready for rule

#5.Technique. Ever seen that guy in the gym who is hoisting so much weight on his barbell for barbell curls that it looks like he's got more momentum going on than the Gravitron at the fair? He's pretty much working every muscle in his body except his biceps. Not so beneficial. Not only that, but give him two weeks and a hundred bucks says he's out with back pain.

You must maintain proper form throughout your weight lifting, not only to prevent injuries but also to see the muscular gains you are looking for. If you cheat form, you are only cheating yourself. If you don't know what proper form is yet, book a session with a trainer or find yourself a spotter who can help you.

And now, bonus rule #6
Find a mentor. You want someone who's been there, done that. They used to be a skinny bastard just like you and they've managed to overcome the curse and now tip the scales and dominate the weight room. This guy will do wonders for your motivational levels. Don't feel like lifting? Have a good look at his body.

You'll want to pick that weight up after that. Furthermore, he can let you in on some of his tried-and-true secrets that just might be key for you as well.
So to sum up your new approach to your weight lifting sessions - get in, train hard and with proper technique, get out, eat and rest. Repeat this process over a few months without getting distracted or becoming too much of a party animal and you will make this the year you change your dreaded skinny image.

About the Author:
Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at He teaches skinny guys a set of weight lifting rules, without supplements, drugs and training less than before.

6 Pack Abs

6 Pack Abs - The Secret To 6 Pack Abs
By Vince DelMonte

Everywhere you turn, someone's promising the next secret to getting 6 pack abs. Some of these so called 'secrets' have some degree of accuracy, while others, not so much. Deciphering which are the best methods to getting 6 pack abs is going to be critical to your having success with this goal.

The biggest area you need to focus on when trying to obtain 6 pack abs is going to be on your diet. Like it or not, the old saying that 'abs are made in the kitchen', is probably one of the most truthful statements in the fitness industry. If your diet isn't in line, your stomach is going to show it.

So, what should you be doing with your diet?
First, ensure you are getting enough protein. Not only is protein going to form the key building blocks you need to build muscle tissue, but it's also going to provide you with a better feeling of fullness than eating just carbohydrates alone would for example. Protein is more "expensive" than any other macronutrient meaning that your body will burn more calories breaking down protein compared to carbs and fats.

Next, don't be afraid of dietary fat that comes from primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oils, fish oils, a mix of nuts, natural peanut butter and avocado. While it's true that eating fat will increase your calories fast, as long as you keep it between 20-30% it can be one of the best things to get 6 pack abs fast.

The important point here is that dietary fat helps keep your insulin level stable, which, when high enough can actually cause fat gain itself.

Furthermore, dietary fat will keep you feeling the fullest for the longest duration in time; longer than both protein or carbohydrates would. Interestingly, some diets high in fat can get you 6 pack abs fast because your body learn to metabolize fat for energy.

So, while you do need to watch it, be sure you are getting some in your diet.
Finally, when it comes to carbohydrate intake and getting 6 pack abs, you want to focus most of your carbohydrate intake around the post workout period.

The biggest reason for this is because this is when your body is going to need those carbohydrates the most and will really suck them up into the muscle tissue. When you eat them at this time, it is least likely that they will turn into body fat.

Additionally, consuming carbohydrates during this period will also help to aid with muscle recovery and repair, so that means less down time from the gym for you.

If getting 6 pack abs fast is your goal than each meal you should consist of 1-2 cups of raw vegetables to control insulin levels, improve absorption of your protein and flood your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

So, if you are aiming to get 6 pack abs in the coming months, have a good hard look at your diet. That is the big secret that must not be overlooked if you are to succeed.

About the Author:Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at
He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.
© 2006-2008, Your Six Pack Quest All rights in all media reserved. You may reprint this article so long as the article and author bio are reprinted intake and all links are made live. This article may never be sold individually or as part of a package

Weight Lifting Benfits

Why Weight Lifting Is An Exercise That Delivers Top Health Benefits
By Vince DelMonte

While some individuals are strictly interested in obtaining muscle for aesthetics, for most people, this isn’t an interest. Instead, you’re more interested in knowing what health benefits weight lifting will have for you… Far too many people overlook the many health and fitness benefits that weight training has to offer, and because of this, experience problems down the road with their body such as decreased bone density, a slowed metabolic rate, increased stress levels and other negative consequences that are associated with constant stress.

Increased Bone DensityWeight lifting, being one of the best weight bearing exercises you can do, will increase your bone density and help ward off osteoporosis or stress fractures in the future.Many people think running is the best exercise for increasing bone density, but this isn’t necessarily true. If the truth is told, running actually promotes muscle breakdown in the body, while weight lifting, being an anabolic process, helps to promote the building of tissues.

Therefore, weight lifting is going to be much better at preserving your bone mass, not to mention it’s far less impact than going for an hour run. Decreased Frequency of InjuriesWhen you strength train, not only are your muscles going to get stronger, but you’ll also work the ligaments and tendons that are connecting bones, muscles, and other tissues, thus reducing the chance they become injured when participating in other physical activities.

If you’ve ever been injured, you know just how frustrating this can be. In about 80% of all injury cases, the injury is a direct result of a tendon, ligament, or muscle not being strong enough when a stressful force is applied. Since weight training will really hit all those deep tendons and ligaments, it’s the best injury prevention out there. Reduction of Health Related RisksNumerous studies have demonstrated that regular weight training can have a positive effect on health by showing reductions in the rate of insulin resistance, blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

If you couple a solid weight training program then with a well-thought out diet, you’ll be putting your best foot forward at warding off these chronic problems Prevention of Fat Gain
The more you weight lift, the higher your metabolism will be, thus the more food you can eat while maintaining your weight.

If that isn’t good news for your future and the fight against body fat, I’m not sure what is.Now, with all of this said, one big problem many people run into is the thinking pattern that using a muscle building program will make you big and bulky.This is most certainly not the case. Let’s look at an analogy to gain an understanding of this. Pretend you have two teams and each are going to try and build a house using the exact same building technique. One team is given 10,000 bricks to construct this house, and the second team is given only 1,000 bricks.

Who’s going to build the bigger house?The choice should be obvious – team one since they have more bricks to build it with. Now, think of those bricks as being the calories you put into your body. Unless you’re supplying enough calories, you aren’t going to build really big muscles. This is precisely what makes bodybuilders look like bodybuilders. It’s not just about the way they train, but more about the way they eat (if you’ve ever had a teenage son in the growing process in your house, you likely know just how much food must be consumed when growing at rapid rates).

Whether it’s growing in height during puberty or trying to build bigger muscles later on, calories must be supplied for this growth process to take place. You can’t build a house out of nothing. Likewise, you can workout all you want, but if those building blocks – in the form of amino acids, carbohydrates, and dietary fats are not there, you aren’t going to see too much muscle growth. So, don’t get caught thinking that just because you add weight lifting to your workouts, you’re going to develop large bulky muscles.

If you control your diet, this simply will not happen. So, hopefully it is clear now that just because you’re weight lifting, it does not mean you will end up with bulky muscles as a result. Many people make this incorrect assumption – but it really is the diet that makes all the difference in how this weight lifting will shape your body. When you make the decision to work with me using my 6-Pack Ab Quest program, I’ll take you through the weight lifting and ab techniques that will provide maximum results with minimal effort on your part (why spend more time in the gym than you have to?), as well as provide you with meal plans that are custom designed to ensure you get the best results from your training without the muscle bulk – in fact, the plans are formulated to help you shed the fat so you look leaner and more defined.

Not choosing to include weight training as part of your current workout program is without-a-doubt the biggest mistake you could make as far as your long-term health and fitness level is concerned. Don’t let this exercise pass you by any longer.

----------------------------------About the Author:
Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at also specializes in teaching skinny guys how to get a six-pack and build muscle, without drugs, supplements and training less than before with his program found at

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Latic acid supersetting

No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting - Supercharge Your Metabolism For Fat Loss!
By Nick Nilsson

The name is a mouthful but the training will send your metabolism through the roof! Combine the power of supersetswith the fat-burning power of Lactic Acid-based trainingand you get a workout that will peel the fat right off your body!

To really fire up your fat-burning furnace, you need a workout that addresses not only calories burned DURING the workout itself, but also calories burned AFTER the workout. But it doesn't end REALLY maximize your results, you need to also address your body's HORMONAL response to training.

When you put all these factors together, you can SERIOUSLY increase the fat-burning drive you generate with each and every workout.
Let's look at the factors one at a time:

1. Calories burned DURING the workout
Every time you exercise, you burn calories. Makes sense! The amount of calories you burn depends on the specific exercise you're doing, how intense it is and how long you do it for. I won't spend much time on this one as pretty much everybody knows instinctively that the harder and longer you work, the more calories you burn.

2. Calories burned AFTER the workout
Here's where it gets interesting...the more intense the exercise you perform, the more your overall metabolism is boosted and the more calories your body will burn AFTER the workout as it strives to recover from the training.

The practical result is this...if you do long, slow cardio training for your fat loss, you will burn calories during the workout, but your metabolism will go back to its normal rate very soon after. If you increase the pace (e.g. through interval training), you create a MUCH greater demand on your body and your metabolism is jacked up long after your workout is done - this can be for up to 24 hours after!

When it comes to fat loss, intensity is the key, not your resistance to boredom during repetitive movement.

3. Your HORMONAL response to training
Here's the one most people don't know about. When you exercise, whether it be for fat loss or any other purpose, your body secretes hormones in response to the training. The big one that we want to key in on for fat loss is Growth Hormone.

Without delving too much into the science of Growth Hormone (GH for short), it's enough to know that one of the primary functions of GH is to send a signal to your body to burn fat for fuel (it's also involved in many other functions, including muscle building, immune system function and connective tissue repair).

So how do we maximize the release of natural GH in the body from training? Lactic Acid.
Lactic Acid is one of the key "ingredients" that we want the body to produce in order to maximize the release of GH. When the body detects large amounts of Lactic Acid in the blood stream (it determines this by tracking the acidity of your blood), GH is secreted in response.
In a nutshell, the greater the burn, the greater the GH release.

So how do we maximize ALL THREE aspects of fat loss that I mentioned above? We will do it through a training technique I call "No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting."

We are going to combine several techniques that are extremely effective for maximizing the production of Lactic Acid in the body. I'll tell you up front, this training WON'T be easy (if you find it easy, you're not working hard enough!) but it's VERY effective.

The first part of the equation is high-rep training. There is NO doubt that high reps will produce Lactic Acid. The bonus with high-rep training is that it also helps improve the capillirization of the muscles. In English, this means it helps improve the blood supply to the muscles by increasing the amount of tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the muscles. One of the reaons muscles don't grow? Poor blood supply. So high-reps can not only produce Lactic Acid, they can even improve the growth potential of a muscle!

The next part of the equation is Supersetting. Supersets involve moving from one exercise directly into another exercise, with no rest inbetween the two exercises. This is a great way to increase the burn from Lactic Acid. The specific type of Supersets we'll be using with this training technique are "Antagonistic Supersets." This means we'll be working two opposing bodyparts at a time, e.g. back and chest or biceps and triceps.

The final part of the equation is that we're not only NOT going to take any rest between the two Superset exercises, we're actually not going to take ANY REST AT ALL (except when we move to a different Superset combination).

The body clears out Lactic Acid when it gets a chance to rest. By removing complete rest from the equation, we're going to dramatically ramp up the production of Lactic Acid in your body and, as a result, ideally dramatically ramp up the production of Growth Hormone in response.
All this, in turn, will lead to increased fat loss by increasing Growth Hormone and burning LOTS of calories during the workout AND after the workout, because of the high intensity level.

A quick note about Growth Hormone: there are plenty of websites and magazines that will try to sell you HGH pills to increase your GH levels. While some nutritional supplements can be moderately effective at boosting GH levels (glutamine is one), the vast majority of these HGH ads are scams and should be avoided. Your body, with proper training, can produce ample amounts on its own.

How To Do It:
I will use chest and back as the example bodyparts for this training program. We will be switching between dumbell presses on the ball and standing dumbell rows (using two dumbells in bent-over row position). I find this to be a good combination because you can use the same dumbells for both exercises and perform them in the very same spot.

The key with this training technique is speed, not only during the sets but switching between exercises. At the end of the article, I'll include a link to a demonstration video of this technique in action.

First, select a pair of dumbells that you know you can get at least 20 reps with on the dumbell press. For this technique, 20 reps is going to be the MINIMUM number of reps we want to hit on the first set of dumbell presses.

Get into position on the ball and begin pressing the dumbells. Keep a fairly quick tempo on the presses using a powerful movement, not worrying about squeezing the muscles or getting any slow negatives (the lowering phase of the movement). It should be a fast, powerful movement to get as many reps as you can.

Big note here...DO NOT sacrifice form for speed. If you're flailing the dumbells around, you're going to hurt yourself. While the movement is fast, it should be UNDER CONTROL at all times.
Do as many reps as you can until the Lactic Acid burn forces you to stop. The last reps will see you moving a LOT slower than you started but keep going until the burn stops you.

Now set the dumbells down and IMMEDIATELY get into position for the two dumbell rows. The two dumbell row is performed exactly like a bent-over barbell but using two dumbells instead (the link will also include demo pictures on how to perform both of these exercises).

Begin rowing with the same quick tempo. Be VERY careful that you're not bobbing up and down excessively as you do this exercise. It's fine to have a little movement - it's natural as the weight comes up and down. But you should do your best to keep your lower back arched, your abs tight and your torso as still as possible.
Again, perform as many reps as you can until the burn stops you and you have to set the weights down.

Now IMMEDIATELY put all thoughts of rest aside! Grab those dumbells, get back on the ball and starting cranking out more dumbell presses!
Your reps will most likely drop fairly significantly on this second round through due to muscle fatigue and Lactic Acid accumulation. Get as many reps as you can, though. Personally, I may start my first set with 30 to 40 reps and get 8 to 10 on the second set.

Finish the pressing reps then go right back to the dumbell rows for as many reps as you can. Keep going back and forth between exercises until you've done the prescribed number of sets for each bodypart (see below for recommendations).

Be sure to push yourself on those sets! Make sure you stop because of the Lactic Acid burn and not because you've counted enough reps and you've lost track.
As for number of sets, here are my recommendations...

If you're going to do your entire body in one workout use the following set guidelines:
Back and chest - 6 sets eachQuadriceps and Hamstrings - 6 sets eachShoulders and Calves - 3 sets eachBiceps and Triceps - 3 sets each
The reason shoulders and calves are paired together is that neither muscle group really has an antagonist to it.

If you're going to split up your workouts, I would suggest picking two of the combinations (whichever combos you like to do together) and use the following set guidelines:
Back and chest - 8 sets eachQuadriceps and Hamstrings - 10 sets eachShoulders and Calves - 5 sets eachBiceps and Triceps - 5 sets each

This means if you want to do back, chest, biceps, triceps, do 8 sets each of back and chest then 5 sets each of biceps and triceps.

Take 1 minute rest in between bodypart combinations or judge it by the time it takes for you to set up the next two exercises.

Perform this training program three times a week, e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday if you're doing total body workouts. If you're splitting your body up, do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Follow this training technique for 3 weeks and then check the mirror!
A small note about Growth Hormone:

DO NOT eat anything before training when you're doing this program. It's best to perform this training on an empty stomach. The reason for this is that GH secretion is reduced by both elevated blood sugar levels and/or elevated insulin levels in the body. When you eat something (specifically carbohydrates), your blood sugar will rise and insulin will be secreted as a result. Insulin is a storage hormone and works directly against GH.

AFTER training, it's a whole different ballgame. You CAN take in carbs and it won't affect the post-workout fat-burning process. Because of the tremendous demands on the recovery systems from a hard workout, your body will continue to use stored fat to fuel the recovery process even when you take in carbs.

So be sure to take in some good post-workout nutrition in the form of liquid protein and carbs. It'll help speed recovery and keep your body from eating up its own muscle tissue.

If you're looking for a shock to your body to kick-start your fat loss, give this program a try. It'll place tremendous demands on your body and put your fat loss into high gear!
To watch a video of this technique in action and to see pictures of the two sample exercises, click on the following link:
Other Resource articles:

1. Supersets - What They Are, Why They Work, and Several Unique Variations You Can Try In Your Next Workout

2. What Do You Mean Low-Intensity Training Isn't The Best For Fat Burning?

3. The Insider Secrets of Interval Training - Learn How Now!

4. Fat Loss Article Index - Fitstep.com
5. Are You Cheating Yourself Out Of 50% or More Of Your Hard-Earned Results?

Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for more than 16 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at ( He can be contacted at

Unconventional things to lose weight,build muscle and gain strength

The Top 5 Most Unconventional Things I've Ever Done To Lose Fat, Build Muscle or Gain Strength
By Nick Nilsson

Because sometimes, the "normal" things just don't get the job done! Check out the most unique things I've ever tried in the past 17 years I've beentraining to rip off the fat and build massive muscle and strength.

I like to do things completely different from what most people do. If conventional wisdom says "train each bodypart once a week for best results," I immediately start thinking "I wonder what'll happen if I train each body part EVERY SINGLE DAY?"

And let me tell you, this mindset has allowed me to discover some pretty amazing things about how the body it burns fat and how it builds muscle and strength!

But that being said, when you're training to make rapid changes to your body, you MUST start with the basics. There's no getting around it...not even with the stuff I'm about to show you! Without first having the basics in order (such as good nutrition and training technique), even the best "tricks" won't help.

So the purpose of this article is to help open up your mind and EXPAND upon the basics, NOT to replace them.

One thing I'm going to tell you right up front...these techniques are sometimes based on logic, sometimes based on scientific studies I've read and tried to find practical applications for, and sometimes they're just based on some wild idea I wanted to try out!

Feel free to try all of these - I've used them with varying degrees of success myself and I'm going to let you know how effective I thought they were.

The key here is to read these and not think "wow, that's stupid" and close your mind, but instead to read these and think "wow, I wonder if that might actually work" and "wow, I'm going to try and think of things I can do differently in my training."
THAT is what I want to accomplish here...

1. FAT LOSS - Cold Water Immersion
With this technique, the basic idea is this: submerge your body in cold water and let it bring your body temperature down enough to cause shivering. Shivering is almost completely fueled by fat, specifically the brown fat of the body (this is fat that is more metabolically active - the stuff that makes you look fat is known as white fat).

Also, the hormone release in response to the stress of cold water immersion may lead to an increase in metabolic rate.

I came across this cold water immersion idea in a past issue of Muscle & Fitness and the research they presented to back up the idea looked interesting so I decided to give it a try!
The exact study they quoted involved performing activity while in cold water but since I didn't have a big cold water tank, I decided to try it out with just the shivering in a tub.

Three times a week for a month, I filled a tub up with cold water and went in and started shivering. Now when I say cold water, there wasn't a hint of warmth in it - it wasn't ice water but was probably about 50 degrees F.

Let me tell you, you can really find out what you're made of when you're faced with a tub full of cold water that you have to get into! You step in, lay down up to your neck then just stay there for 20 minutes. You'll start shivering pretty quickly!

** Naturally, watch out for signs that you're getting TOO cold - we don't want hypothermia here! If you start breathing rapidly or you can't touch your index finger to your thumb, stand up out of the tub and turn on a warm shower to heat yourself back up.
The Verdict:

I DID actually notice some results over and above what I've experienced with standard fat-loss programs. It wasn't a HUGE difference but I definitely did see a difference. If you want to burn fat while lying down, this is about the only way to do it!

The cold water also has an AMAZING diuretic effect on the body - it flushes subcutaneous (under the skin) water out of your body FAST. I think (and this is just my theory) this is another survival mechanism of the body - when your body starts losing heat rapidly (as it does in cold water), it immediately tries to flush out the best conductor of that heat (which is water).

I noticed a major difference in muscle definition immediately after getting out of the cold water.
This MAY be a good technique if you have some stubborn fat you'd like to get rid of AND you're willing to sit in a cold tub 3 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. The hormones released (specifically norepinephrine is one that has been mentioned in conjunction with cold water immersion) have the ability to unlock those stubborn fat cells.

You'll have to weigh these factors to decide if you want to try it.
One other'll develop GREAT resistance to cold weather by doing this regularly. Your body will be better able to maintain core temperature because you're training it to adapt to cold.
2. FAT LOSS - Swishing the mouth with oil before doing cardio

This particular technique is a case of taking a scientific study and run
ning with it in terms of practical applications. The specific study showed that the mere presence of fat in the mouth (not even swallowed) resulted in the liberation of fatty acids into the blood stream from fat cells.

It sounds strange but basically, this means when you have fat in the mouth (e.g. olive oil or vegetable oil is what I used), it signals the body to release fat from the fat cells and into the bloodstream. It doesn't have to be swallowed - the body senses the fats in the mouth and responds to it.

So here was my thought process...take a spoonful of olive oil and swish it around for about a minute or so, then spit it back out. Then immediately go do some cardio! The liberated fatty acids will be burned by the cardio. If you do this and don't do anything to burn the liberated fat, it'll most likely just get taken back up by the fat cells again.
The Verdict:

I was on a low-carb diet at the time I tried this technique and noticed an IMMEDIATE increase in my energy levels. At this point, I was doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and normally, I don't have a whole lot of energy in the morning. When I swished with the oil, I actually did feel more energetic and I believe the process was effective for increasing fatty acids in the bloodstream.

But here's the issue...what I DON'T know is how effective a long-term strategy this is. Does this cause a significant increase in fat-burning? Enough to be a useful technique? It's a definite maybe.

Signalling the body to begin opening up fat cells faster is a good thing as it helps you increase energy levels and access that stored bodyfat more easily.

3. FAT LOSS - Doing ALL training (my Metabolic Surge fat loss program to be precise) wearing an 85 lb weight vest

This technique resulted in one of THE toughest training programs I've ever done. Basically, I took an 85 lb weight vest (the X-Vest, if you're familiar with it) and wore it for each and every workout on my Metabolic Surge program (including cardio...non-impact training like incline treadmill walking, elliptical and stair machine).

Note: if you're interested in seeing what the X-Vest is all about, you can find more info here:
I'm going to be doing a detailed review of it in an upcoming newsletter as well.
The idea here was to dramatically increase caloric expenditure by increasing my bodyweight with the vest. Studies have shown the weighted vest to be a very effective way to increase metabolism and calorie-burning so this one wasn't "out there" in terms of theory. It's already been well-proven. What it WAS far out in was how HARD it was to do!

And let me tell you, it was VERY brutal.
The Verdict:

This was a VERY effective technique for increasing the rate of fat loss. The increase in bodyweight (adding 85 lbs to myself) dramatically increased my metabolism each and every workout, even beyond the high levels I normally noticed on the Metabolic Surge program.
But I would NEVER do it again (at least as I did it this time). Wearing the vest combined with this challenging of a training program was VERY tough on the body, especially while eating low-calorie. By the time I finished, I was TRASHED. In fact, I was unable to even perform the last 2 sessions of the program.

If I were to do it again, here's what I would change: eat more while on the program to help with recovery, wear the vest every other workout instead of every workout, and reduce the number of sets done in those vest workouts. I'd keep the heavy weight on because I actually enjoyed that part of it! But even a more modest weight load in the vest would yield good results.

Overall, it's an excellent technique and definitely worth trying out if you have access to a weight vest.

If you're interested in checking out the "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program I used while doing the vest training, you can find it here - it's effective whether you're wearing the vest or not!

4. MUSCLE AND STRENGTH - Total body workouts, 6 days a week, two times a day.
You may have heard me mention this program before...when it comes to unconventional training for muscle growth, this about as good as it gets! Basically, for 3 weeks, I performed total-body workouts twice a day, 6 days a week.

But here's the catch...I was on vacation from work at the time and was pretty much doing nothing but eating, sleeping and training. I was actually able to recover enough to make it work and make AMAZING progress. Also, I only did this type of training for 3 weeks before backing off.

I realize this goes TOTALLY contrary to what the vast majority of trainers and authorities in the field recommend, but let me tell you, your body has TREMEMDOUS adaptive potential when you give it the proper stimulus AND the proper tools for optimum recovery.
The Verdict:

I gained a tremendous amount of muscle and strength from this program that, according to conventional wisdom, should have left me smaller and weaker and totally overtrained.
The key with how I did it was in accounting for recovery. I wasn't doing anything strenuous outside of training, I was getting plenty of sleep and quality food AND I was varying the TYPE of training I was doing for the muscles between partials, negatives and full-range, normal training.
Also, each total body workout was done with an eye on training volume - not too many sets each time. The high frequency of the workouts was what kept the momentum going.

After 3 weeks of this, I backed off somewhat on the workouts for the next 3 weeks (only working each bodypart ONCE per day). In total, after 6 weeks, I had gained about 20 lbs of bodyweight, much of it lean mass.
[Note: If you're interested in seeing the exact mechanics of this program, I have it posted in detail on my membership site Powerful Training Secrets (just fyi, it IS a paid site...dirt cheap to sign up, mind you, but paid :)

In the members area, I've written out the exact program (sets, reps, techniques, etc.) that I used when I was training like this. It's not a program I recommend lightly but it was VERY effective and can work well for you IF you've got the time and the energy.
And if you like unique training info (like the things you're reading in this article!), definitely check out Powerful Training Secrets.

As I mentioned above, the membership price is just dirt cheap for what I offer when you sign up - not only a library of great, new exercises and programs (with more being added constantly) but a PILE of other bonuses (like ebooks, coupons and webinars) that add up in value to more than the price of the membership itself!]

5. MUSCLE AND STRENGTH - Hybrid Training - combining cables, bands and free weights to adapt to the strength curves of exercises.

Adapting to the strength curve of an exercise is not a new concept - some do it through machines designed for the job...some do it by working on partial movements.

But literally COMBINING two different forms of resistance into one exercise? THIS is not something you see every day. And, strictly speaking, even the concept of combining two different forms of resistance itself isn't new - band training is a TREMENDOUSLY effective way to increase bench press, squats and deadlifts. Powerflifters do this all the time.

The idea I had was to not only ADD another form of resistance but also change the DIRECTION that secondary form of resistance was coming from.
This idea first occured to me when I was doing dumbell presses. I thought to myself, "hmmm...I'm getting great tension at the bottom of the exercise...I wonder if there's a way that I can increase the tension at the top, too?"

So I went over to the cable cross-over machine and set the two handles on the low pulleys. I set the bench in the very center then reached over and grabbed the one pulley handle, then reached over and grabbed the other. After sitting back up on the bench, I then leaned forward and picked up the dumbells.

What followed was one of THE most eye-opening sets of bench press I had EVER done...
Picture this...when you're doing a dumbell bench press, you get maximum tension at the bottom of the exercise. But as you press up to the top, the leverage changes and you lose most of that tension. By the time you're at the top of the exercise, you've lost pretty much all of it unless you're actively squeezing the muscles.

Now picture this...when you're doing a flat bench cable flye exercise (which is same as dumbell flyes but with cables), you get practically NO tension at the bottom, but, as you bring your hands together above, you get MAXIMUM tension at the top, with the cables pulling directly out to the sides.

Got those two exercises visualized in your head? Good. Now mash them together...
Imagine the cable handles AND dumbells in your hands AT THE SAME TIME.
This time, when you do the press, you're going to get maximum tension from the dumbells at the bottom and almost no tension from the cables.
But, as you press up and lose tension in the dumbell press, the CABLE tension starts kicking in. By the time you've hit the top, the cables are at MAXIMUM tension.

The result? A dumbell bench press where your pecs get NO BREAK WHATSOEVER. The tension is just INCREDIBLE. I would say that one of these sets is worth THREE normal sets.
When I did this exercise for the very first time (and naturally, because it felt so good, I did too many sets!), I couldn't bring my arms across my body without them starting to shake.

And, of course, I couldn't stop there. I went ahead and came up with exercises like this for the ENTIRE body.
The Verdict:
A definite winner! This training technique has tremendous potential for increasing strength and muscle mass fast. I train with this technique regularly and, let me tell you, I KNOW there's a difference in how these exercises affect muscle growth and strength compared to standard exercises.

If you're interested in checking out a bicep exercise using this technique, check out this article:
Cable-Barbell Curls - "Hybrid Training" For Incredible Biceps!

And if you're interested in learning more about the rest of these "Hybrid" exercises I mentioned, check out my book "Hybrid Training."

It has ALL the exercises I've come up with using this technique, covering the ENTIRE body. This is POWERFUL stuff.
These five things I mentioned are only scratching the surface of ALL the unconventional things I've done in the past 17 years.

If nothing else, I hope you take away from this information a whole new appreciation for learning and experimentation! Besides the physical results you get from pushing your body to the limits, it turns loose the creativity within you and makes training fun!

Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of the online personal training company BetterU, Inc. He has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and has been inventing new training techniques for more than 17 years. Nick is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including "Muscle Explosion! 28 Days To Maximum Mass", "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss," "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of," "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" and "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of" all available at ( He can be contacted at

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From:Total Envy
Author:Build Fast Burn Fast

Heys guys

I was talking to my friend nick nilsson.If you have read his articles on this site you know how good he is.He has been training for 18 years and has degrees degree in Physical Education, encompassing physiology, nutrition, biomechanics, kinesiology and anatomy.So he knows his stuff.

Nick has just slashed the price of his muscle exlplosion program.This is a ground breaking muscle building program that can add 8-10 lbs of rock solid muscle in 28 days.Imagine gaining more muscle in 4 weeks than you have in the last 4 months.This program will force your body to grow and give you unbeliveable strength.Hes alos giving away a ton of free bonuses with this program that you wont believe.

The original price was 67 dollars.He has it on sale for 27 dollars now.Hurry over to grab a bargain.It wont last long.

To grab the muscle explosion for 27 dollars click here--->